Crisis in PR

Crisis management is a roll in the public relations world that MUST be known. So many companies have crises that go wrong because of the wrong techniques. A crisis that recently happened that was a major deficit was Target. Everyone loves Target and shopping during the holidays is a huge sale increase for the company, but there was a huge problem this Christmas.

I’m sure this is no new news to anyone now, but Target’s system got hacked and credit cards were leaked out to the black market causing people’s cards being used all over.

This is a major crisis for target and it is one that we should look for on the news in ways of bringing consumers back. There are tactics that Target may have used or will use to bring their stores back up to being trusted in the future.

         Another crisis situation is with Obamacare. There is absolute proof that “President Obama often said, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” In late 2013, it was revealed that President Obama and administration officials allegedly knew that was a lie from the beginning,” (“What Not To,” 2014). There is many issues about the new health care that US citizens are worried about. Obama doesn’t seem to be doing much about it to gain his trust back. I have seen an apology, but nothing much after that.

         With crises, there are certain tactics that need to go on in order to get rid of such a bad image like Obama has. With public relations the tactics are

Proactive- understanding what to do if there was a crisis in the future

Strategic- What way to defend or back up a crisis

Reactive- being able to handle a crisis with prior tactic precautions

Recovery- being able to see the results and recover from the damage done


These steps are ways to help create a healthy image for a company’s reputation so you can become a trusted and well know image for the future to come.





[Web log message]. (2014, February 14). Retrieved from

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